Category Archives: Featured Sermon

Historic Sermons

We have been working for some time to digitize our entire sermon library and have some of the earliest sermons ready to make available on this site. The COVID-19 pandemic has given some extra incentive to make this happen, and we hope to post one or two sermons a week. Some of these sermons were preached by our late pastor, Lynn Martin, whose sermons have never been available on this site. God Bless all of you as we deal with these trying times.

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Sermons (13)

The Fear of the Lord
Proverbs 1:1-33 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on May 7, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Old vs. New Covenant
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Edsel Burdge on April 30, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Have You Seen The Lord?
Isaiah 6:1-13 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Marvin Wadel on April 23, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Conservatism & Fundamentalism
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on April 16, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Character of Luke
(Part of the Profiles of Faith and Folly series).
Preached by John D. Martin on April 9, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Duane Eby on April 2, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
The Battle for Our Minds
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on March 26, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Don't Play Life's Most Dangerous Game
(Part of the Profiles of Faith and Folly series).
Preached by John D. Martin on March 19, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Good Soil
Luke 8:4-18 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Kore Byler on March 12, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Leaving Your Comfort Zone
John 21:1-25 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on March 5, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
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Young People’s Bible School 2015 Sermons

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Sermons (19)

The Secret of a Godly Woman
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Harvey Reiff on May 15, 2022 (Bible School 2015).
The Pursuit of Pleasure
Ecclesiastes 2:1-26 (Part of the Weekend Meetings - Bible School 2015 series).
Preached by Kevin Brechbill on April 26, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Disciples for a Purpose
(Part of the Weekend Meetings - Bible School 2015 series).
Preached by Wendell Martin on April 25, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Follow Me: A Kingdom Call
Matthew 4:17-22 (Part of the Weekend Meetings - Bible School 2015 series).
Preached by Wendell Martin on April 24, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Panel Discussion #5
(Part of the Panel Discussion - Bible School 2015 series).
Preached by Various Speakers on April 24, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Seperation unto God, Nonconformity to the World #5
(Part of the Seperation unto God, Nonconformity to the World - Joseph Rudolph series).
Preached by Joseph Rudolph on April 24, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Secrets of the Kingdom Life #5
(Part of the Secrets of the Kingdom Life - David Bercot series).
Preached by David Bercot on April 24, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Secrets of the Kingdom Life #4
(Part of the Secrets of the Kingdom Life - David Bercot series).
Preached by David Bercot on April 23, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Panel Discussion #4
(Part of the Panel Discussion - Bible School 2015 series).
Preached by Various Speakers on April 23, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
Seperation unto God, Nonconformity to the World #4
(Part of the Seperation unto God, Nonconformity to the World - Joseph Rudolph series).
Preached by Joseph Rudolph on April 23, 2015 (Bible School 2015).
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