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2024 Shippensburg Youth Bible School

2024 Shippensburg Youth Bible School Registration
Event Timing: April 1-5, 2024
Event Address: 10600 Blind Lane, Shippensburg, PA 17202
Application deadline is February 28, 2023 with enrollment limited to 80 students. 

Applications returned by Feb 28th will be notified of acceptance by March 14th. Tuition is $125 per student. Do not pay tuition fee until after you have been accepted as a student.

Apply here.

Please do not make lodging arrangements. Your lodging will be planned for you.

                                                       2024  Courses and Schedule

8:00a – 8:30a          Registration (Monday only)

8:30a – 8:55a          Opening and Bible Memory 
Clyde Lehman,      Chambersburg, PA   (Principle)

9:00a – 10:00a        Principles for Christian Living 
Earl Horst,    Schaefferstown, PA

10:15a – 11:15a      Galatians
  Jonathan Brechbill,    Chambersburg, PA

11:30a – 12:00a       Chorus 
  Kevin Weber,   Clear Spring, MD

12:30a – 1:30p         Lunch 

1:30p – 2:30p           God’s Law: Delight, Duty or Drudgery   
  Anthony Martin,   Shippensburg, PA

2:45p – 3:45p            Mon – Tues: Chorus 
Kevin Weber

                                    Wed – Thurs: Panel Discussion       
Teachers, moderated by Principle

                                    Friday: Prayer Groups                         

4:00p – 5:00p            Mon – Thurs:     Prayer Groups

                                    Friday: Students to host’s home for supper.

Evening & Saturday Activities:
Monday            5:15p  supper and activities at SCF
Tuesday           5:15p  supper and 6:30p Chorus at SCF (Kevin Weber)
Wednesday     5:15p  supper and 7pm Service   (To be announced)
Thursday         5:15p  supper and 7pm Service  (To be announced)
Friday               4:00p  to host’s home for supper and dress for program.  Return to church by 6:15pm.
                          7:00p  Chorus program led by Kevin Weber
Saturday          9:30a – 2:30p Volleyball and Lunch     (Students and staff only)

                EVERYONE WELCOME to Wed, Thurs, and Fri evening services

Young People’s Bible School 2023

SCFBS will be held on April 3 – 7, 2023. This application invites those 17 years and older who desire instruction from the Scriptures with the purpose of deepening their faithfulness to the Lordship of Christ. Please apply promptly. Deadline is February 28th. Applications returned by February 28 will be notified of acceptance by March 14. Registration is $125 per student.

The brochure linked below has the schedule for the week.

Young People’s Bible School 2022

SCFBS will be held on April 4 – 10, 2022. This application invites those 16 years and older who desire instruction from the Scriptures with the purpose of deepening their faithfulness to the Lordship of Christ. Please apply promptly. Deadline is Monday, February 28th. Applications returned by February 28 will be notified of acceptance by March 14. Registration is $100 to be paid the opening day. Send no money with your application.

The brochure linked below has the schedule for the week.

Young Peoples Bible School 2021

Lord willing, Shippensburg Christian Fellowship Bible School will be held on April 5 – 11, 2021. The schedule is mostly a repeat of the one canceled last year due to Covid. We invite anyone 16 years old and up who desires to grow in their faithfulness to the Lordship of Christ. Application deadline is Monday, March 1st. Applications received by March 1 will be notified of acceptance by March 15. Registration is $75 to be paid the opening day. Send no money with your application. Maximum enrollment is 80 students.

Attached is a PDF brochure that can be printed and handed out. It includes the schedule for the week and an application form that can be mailed back.

Historic Sermons

We have been working for some time to digitize our entire sermon library and have some of the earliest sermons ready to make available on this site. The COVID-19 pandemic has given some extra incentive to make this happen, and we hope to post one or two sermons a week. Some of these sermons were preached by our late pastor, Lynn Martin, whose sermons have never been available on this site. God Bless all of you as we deal with these trying times.

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Sermons (13)

The Fear of the Lord
Proverbs 1:1-33 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on May 7, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Old vs. New Covenant
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Edsel Burdge on April 30, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Have You Seen The Lord?
Isaiah 6:1-13 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Marvin Wadel on April 23, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Conservatism & Fundamentalism
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on April 16, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Character of Luke
(Part of the Profiles of Faith and Folly series).
Preached by John D. Martin on April 9, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Duane Eby on April 2, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
The Battle for Our Minds
(Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on March 26, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Don't Play Life's Most Dangerous Game
(Part of the Profiles of Faith and Folly series).
Preached by John D. Martin on March 19, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Good Soil
Luke 8:4-18 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Kore Byler on March 12, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
Leaving Your Comfort Zone
John 21:1-25 (Part of the Miscellaneous series).
Preached by Lynn Martin on March 5, 1995 (Sunday Morning).
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Young People’s Bible School 2020

SCFYBS will be held on April 6 – 12, 2020. We extend an invitation to youth, 16 years and up, who desire instruction from the Scriptures with the purpose of deepening their faithfulness to the Lordship of Christ. Please apply promptly. Deadline is Monday, March 2nd. Applications returned by March 2 will be notified of acceptance by March 16. Registration is $75 to be paid the opening day. Send no money with your application.

Attached are the following PDF documents that can be printed as needed:

  • Conduct guide
  • Schedule of classes and activities
  • Application that can be printed and mailed
  • A Brochure that has all the above to print and hand out

Young People’s Bible School 2019

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship will be holding a Young People’s Bible School from April 1-7, 2019.

Please note application deadline is March 22nd.

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship Young People’s Bible School
April 1-7, 2019

Bible School Sessions: Monday–Friday, April 1-5, 2019

On Monday April 1, students should arrive by 8:00 a.m. for registration.

8:30 Opening             Harvey Reiff, principal, Shippensburg, PA
9:00–10:00 a.m.       John D. Martin, Shippensburg, PA
10:15–11:30 a.m.    Chorus, Colin Martin, Shippensburg, PA
11:30 –12:30             Lunch
12:30–1:30 p.m.       I Samuel, Brandon Byler, Shippensburg, PA
1:45–2:30 p.m.          Conrad Sollenberger, Shippensburg, PA
2:45–3:45 p.m.          Panel Discussion
4:00–5:00 p.m.          Prayer Groups

Monday — Thursday Evenings Activities, starting at 7:30

Monday, April 1 Coffee and Board Games Night
Tuesday, April 2 Chorus
Wednesday, April 3 Chorus
Thursday, April 4 Volleyball

Weekend Activities, Friday-Sunday, April 7-9, 2019

There will be evening services on Friday evening, April 5, and Saturday Evening, April 6. On Sunday morning, April 7, the young people will share a chorus program and there will be a morning message.. A fellowship meal will follow.

April 5, Friday Evening meeting, 7:30 p.m. Daryl Hershberger
April 6, Saturday picnic (or indoor activities if weather is not suitable for a picnic)
April 6, Saturday, Evening meeting, 7:30 p.m. Melvin Lehman
April 7, Sunday morning meeting, 9:00 a.m.
Chorus program — Colin Martin
Sermon — Melvin Lehman

SCF Bible School 2019 Application

Young People’s Bible School 2018

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship will be holding a Young People’s Bible School from April 2-8, 2018.

Please note application deadline is March 20th.

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship Young People’s Bible School

April 2-8, 2018

Bible School Sessions: Monday–Friday, April 2-6, 2018
On Monday, April 2, students should arrive by 8:00 a.m. for registration.
8:30 Opening
9:00–10:00 a.m. “ The Marks Of A Mature Christian”
(Book of James)Harvey Reiff, Shippensburg, PA
10:15–11:30 a.m. Chorus, Curt Hollinger, Chambersburg, PA
11:30 –12:30 Lunch
12:30–1:30 p.m. “1 Samuel”Brandon Beiler, Shippensburg, PA
1:45–2:30 p.m. Topic and Speaker to be determined
2:45–3:45 p.m. Panel Discussion
4:00–5:00 p.m. Prayer Groups

Monday — Thursday Evenings Activities, starting at 7:30
Monday, April 2 Coffee and Board Games Night
Tuesday, April 3 Chorus
Wednesday, April 4 Chorus
Thursday, April 5 Volleyball

Weekend Activities, Friday-Sunday, April 6-8, 2018
There will be weekend meetings on Friday evening, April 6, and Saturday evening, April 7. On Sunday morning, April 8, the young people will share a chorus program. A fellowship meal will follow.
April 6, Friday evening meeting, 7:30 p.m.
April 7, Saturday picnic
April 7, Saturday evening meeting, 7:30 p.m.
April 8, Sunday morning meeting, 9:00 a.m.
Chorus program — Curt Hollinger followed by a message

Application SCF Bible School 2018

Young People’s Bible School 2017

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship will be holding a Young People’s Bible School from April 3-9, 2017.

Please note application deadline is March 18th.

Shippensburg Christian Fellowship Young People’s Bible School

April 3-9, 2017.

Bible School Sessions: Monday–Friday, April 3-7, 2017

8:30 Opening Harvey Reiff, principal, Shippensburg, PA

9:00–10:00 a.m. God’s Law: Delight, Duty, or Drudgery, Joseph Rudolph, Upper Tract, WV

10:15–11:30 a.m. Chorus, John D. Martin, Shippensburg, PA

11:30 –12:30 Lunch

12:30–1:30 p.m. Introduction to Isaiah, Michael Fisher. Bedford, PA

1:45–2:30 p.m. Five Warnings from Hebrews, Wilmer Funk, Chambersburg, PA

2:45–3:45 p.m. Panel Discussion

4:00–5:00 p.m. Prayer Groups

Monday — Thursday Evenings Activities, starting at 7:30

Monday, April 3 Coffee and Board Games Night

Tuesday, April 4 Chorus

Wednesday, April 5 Chorus

Thursday, April 6 Volleyball

Weekend Activities, Friday-Sunday, April 7-9, 2017

There will be weekend meeting on Friday evening, April 8, and Saturday Evening, April 9. On Sunday morning, April 10, the young people will share a chorus program. A fellowship meal will follow.

April 8, Friday Evening meeting, 7:30 p.m. Sermon by Joseph Tindall, Millersburg, OH

April 9, Saturday picnic

April 9, Saturday, Evening meeting, 7:30 p.m.  Sermon by Joseph Tindall, Millersburg, OH

April 10, Sunday morning meeting, 9:00 a.m.

Chorus program — John D. Martin

Sermon — Joseph Tindall, Millersburg, OH

Application SCF Bible School 2017